Issued: 2017 06 15 0916 UTC #------------------------------------------------# # PROPAGATION WARNING # # C.C.R.M. Ophain # # 50° 39' 30\" N - 004° 21' 00\" E # # # # POSSIBLE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE DUE TO # # SPORADIC E-SKIP # #------------------------------------------------# CCRM Propagation Bulletin #536 OBSERVATION PERIOD : 2017 06 15 0916 UTC INTERFERENCE RISK : MODERATE to IMPORTANT krainian language stations are heard on 6m (50 MHz) and 4m (70 MHz) REMARKS : Operator : Serge MAROTTE Senior Radio Operator - Technical Staff SEE OUR PROGPAGATION GRAPHS : AND PROPAGATION MAP : Contact us for specific information. #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Centre de Contrôle des Radiocommunications des Services Mobiles # # Centrum voor Controle der Radioverbindingen van de Mobiele Diensten # # a.s.b.l. v.z.w. # # Rue des Belles Pierres, 5 # # B-1421 OPHAIN Belgium # # Fax : 32 (0) 2 384 26 59 # # Tel.: 32 (0) 2 384 40 94 # # # # # # Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments # # and suggestions to ''. # # To subscribe or unsubscribe, send a mail to '' # # For more information, see # #------------------------------------------------------------------------#